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Dinner Address in Honour of OAU Chairman H.E. General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida

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"It is my firm belief that our continental organization can be instrumental in the attainment of our collective objectives in the socio-economic and political fields and in reversing the unfortunate trend of marginalization to which our continent is increasingly being relegated. Today, more than ever before, it is clear that the future and survival of our continent lie with its ability to muster its own energies, resources and efforts. For Africa to be relevant in world affairs, today, our countries must close their ranks and direct their collective efforts towards our common objectives. In this respect, the Pan African economic community constitutes a major challenge and a golden opportunity which Africa should not miss if it ever intends to rendezvous with development and progress. It is, therefore, important that the pace of ratification of the treaty be accelerated so that we can embark on the actual implementation of its provisions." - Dr. Salim, February 4, 1992


Dinner Address in Honour of OAU Chairman H.E. General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida

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Remarks During the Reception in Honour of the OAU Current Chairman

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