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Remarks at the Training Seminar on Election Monitoring

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Remarks by H.E. Mr. Salim Ahmed Salim, Secretary General of the OAU, at the Opening Ceremony of the Training Seminar for the OUA on the Evolving Role of Intergovernmental Organizations in Election Monitoring (Addis Ababa).

"In line with the changing priorities of the organization, the OAU Secretariat has regarded and continues to regard such requests with the seriousness they deserve. Further, it has involved representatives of Member States in the composition of election observer teams. One hardly need emphasize that it is precisely because the requests for election observation have come from Member States, that they should be encouraged. This is a very significant development given that it is the very African States which have at times been accused by outsiders of adhering too strictly to the concept of sovereignty and the non interference principle which are themselves asking for involvement by the OAU in this regard. In some cases, some of the requests have strictly stipulated that the OAU as the continental body, should play a leading role and coordinate all other international observer groups."


Remarks at the Training Seminar on Election Monitoring

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