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Introducing Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog, President of Germany

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"For Africa to succeed in its current endeavours we need the support, understanding and solidarity of our friends among whom we count the Federal Republic of Germany. We seek the understanding of our partners in development of what we are trying to do in the continent. We need our partners to appreciate the fact that democracy and economic reforms per se in the continent can not thrive without the necessary support by the international community. We need to put in place specific measures and action plans in support of efforts being deployed by our countries. Indeed internal and external factors have constrained Africa's efforts at economic growth and development. In this connection, it cannot be denied that structural reforms have been one sided. There have been no reforms of the international economic system to meet the aspirations and demands of the developing countries." - Dr. Salim, January 27, 1996


Introducing Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog, President of Germany

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