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4th Extra Ordinary Session for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution

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"This extraordinary session of the Central Organ is taking place at a very critical juncture in so far as the situation in Eastern Zaire is concerned. The great humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding there has rightly aroused the concern of the entire international community. So has the serious escalation of tension and insecurity. Our meeting is convening amidst the background of several initiatives - African and non-African, aimed at defusing the crisis and in particular how in the first place to provide the urgently needed humanitarian relief supplies and to facilitate the return of the refugees to the countries of origin. As we meet we have the benefit of the deliberations of the Nairobi Regional Summit and the deliberations of the U.N. Security Council among others." - Dr. Salim, November 11, 1996


4th Extra Ordinary Session for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution

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